Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life, Goodness, and Power

Our unwillingness to release our desires into the hands of God demonstrates our doubt in the goodness of the One who is life, goodness, and power.  Our clinging to finite ideas and things is what limits our growth, gives us pain, and steals our freedom and security. It’s not that ideas and things of this world are bad, it’s that we’ve misplaced them.  Thinking they are the source of life, goodness, and power which is reserved for God alone.

We often believe the power to happiness is found in more money, more things, more status, more relationships. What we really do is project power onto these things and relationships and then become unhappy because we do not possess them more fully. Yet, we have the power of happiness within when we can remain in this present moment and accept this moment as a gift from the One who is life, goodness, and power.